Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sherlock Holmes & Disney & Finals & Hitchcock

... Great way to start off the new year, right? Posting three weeks after the first of January is quite exciting, actually. Much has happened, and I have much to inform you of, however, I may forget to post quite a bit since it may have escaped my mind... The first and foremost event that has occurred mots recently has been that I finally have seen the newest version of "Sherlock Holmes", starring Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, and Rachel McAdams. Yes, I did like it. Very much. But then again, there were parts of it that I couldn't help going 'What?' at. Especially how it's four-fifths action and one-fifth intellectual. I remember reading Sherlock Holmes as a child, and from what I remember, he was an incredibly gifted inspector/detective of sorts, who could deduce anything from simply looking at it. He could tell who a person was by the way they dressed and acted, and could solve any case by being at the scene of the crime and doing something miraculous with his brain. This film had elements of that, I admit, but there was a lot more fists thrown and punches dealt than actually sitting down, smoking a pipe, and analyzing the situation. Needless to say I loved the cast; I think they all did an excellent job, and they really did accurately portray each character. Sherlock was as nutty and eccentric as could be, Watson was not a bumbling fool but rather more of a colleague of Holmes, who was quite intelligent, and Irene Adler was beautiful and thoroughly thought out, and quite sneaky. It's nice to see that woman can be just as bamf as men can. The music, on the other hand, I have mixed feelings about. Hans Zimmer is a great composer, I'll admit that, but this score sounded rather synthesized to me, and had hints of Pirates of the Caribbean woven throughout. The overall theme was excellent, and the first track of the score 'Discombobulate' is one of my favorites that I put on repeat. That being said, however, the rest of the score is mediocre, and there aren't many highlights except the first track. Guy Ritchie is a decent director, but again, he made this movie too much action and took away the fun of the cerebral-characteristics Holmes exhibits (and when Holmes does show off his mad intellectual skills, it all goes by so quickly that it takes me a while to actually understand what he said, and what he meant by it).
Next on the list of matters to discuss is more films (but I'll be brief). I'm attempting to re watch all the classic Disney films, and so far I've seen: "Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Sleeping Beauty", "Pocahontas", "Aladdin", "Beauty and the Beast", "Hercules", and there may be a couple more, I think, but I've forgotten them. Anyhoo, I've liked what I've seen so far, and I can't wait to watch "Cinderella" and "Lion King". Oh, and I've recently been craving Alfre
d Hitchcock films, and so far I've viewed "The 39 Steps" and "North by Northwest", both of which I loved. (Cary Grant... what a looker.)
Also, I just took finals, those went rather well. Studying was a bit droll, but they're necessary. I haven't received my grades from then yet, but I hope to get them soon.
And I think that's enough for now. At least, that's all I can remember.

PS. And for my book update, I promise to blog about "Shutter Island" soon, since I've already finished it, and I'm in the process of reading "Hannibal" the sequel to "Silence of the Lambs". Psychological thrillers are the newest, best genre to me right now.