Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Vacation!

I’m so excited it’s Winter Vacation; school has been a killer (I swear to God, the teachers are trying to send us to an early grave) and I’m more than ecstatic to have two whole weeks off from the daily hell my life has become. I’m heading to Culpeper, Virginia (yes, heading, because I’m writing this as I’m on the plane) to see some old friends of mind who I haven’t really been in contact with for three years. It’s supposed to be a ‘white Christmas’ because of the snowstorm that is now clearing out, and I can’t wait to wad through the ice and sludge, make a snowball and hit something (or someone) with it. Last time I did that was about ten years ago, and I can’t remember any events of when I was five. But the important news is, as I was in line for security, I saw this tall man wearing a large straw hat. How is this important you say? Well, I have come to believe that it was none other than Nathan Fillion (who stars in series’ such as Castle as Richard Castle, Firefly as Captain Malcolm Reynolds, and Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog as Captain Hammer). I swear to you and to everyone that I’m not crazy. It was him. He had the same rugged features, distinctive face, and calm disposition; he was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, and I believe his wife (or girlfriend?) was with him. Well, I couldn’t stop staring at him because it seemed totally unreal; for me, actors have always seemed godly and other worldly; they don’t tread the normal path of real people – they are above us and are of an elite status. Apparently not. Shocker for me, eh? I know I’m mental, but that’s alright. Now I can really see that they are just normal people who happen to star in television shows that I love. Too bad he wasn’t going on my flight though; it would’ve been interesting to see him just a little bit more, I guess. But he headed down the tunnel and out of sight, and I was left alone to read “The Silence of the Lambs” and wallow in the fact that I saw Nathan Fillion in the flesh. I know I’m a fanatical fan girl, but hey, aren’t we all, deep down? Oh, and they just announced that a ‘Riddle, Thomas’ needs to see them. Tom Riddle. My inner Harry Potter nerd just squealed with excitement that the Dark Lord will be on my flight to Virginia. Anyway, I also saw “The Lovely Bones” yesterday with my dad, and I really did like it. I mean, of course it wasn’t as good as the book, and of course they changed things, but all in all, the essence of it was still the same and it was very well done by none other than Peter Jackson himself. The one problem I had with the movie is that we spent too much time in the ‘limbo-heaven’ Susie is in – with, mind you, beautiful special effects that really do capture her wild imagination – because I think we should have spent more time in the life of the Salmon’s, especially focusing on Lindsey as she grows up. Another part that they left out of the film was at the end of the book, a couple find Susie’s charm bracelet and comment on how the girl who owns the bracelet must be old by now. Somehow, that touched me; but they kept the ending line the same, and primarily followed the book (deviating from it at a few moments, but it was nothing drastic). Otherwise, I thought all of the actors were great in it (special highlights include Grandma Lynn, Susie, and Mr. Harvey) because each of their characters had a distinctive part, and they honestly portrayed them very well. Each of them captured their characters perfectly, and they were really what I was imagining while reading the book. And of course, anything Peter Jackson touches instantly becomes holy, and this was of no lesser quality than what other films he’s done. I’ve also been watching more of Smallville, but I may have to put that on hold for eleven days while I’m out of state. I’ll get back to it though, I promise, and I’ll try to catch up, even though I’m like what, eight seasons behind the current season? That, and I have to continue watching other shows that I’m in the middle of, and start new shows that look fantastic. And, in the realm of character creating, I have another one who I thought of last night; her name is Ruth Wilson, and she’s running from the government. But the government she’s trying to evade is not the one we know, but a totalitarian one that is punishing her for attempted rebellion and murder in the highest degree. So that’s just a little taste of her; more will come soon, because now I need to head off since the flight attendants are telling us to put all of our electronics away.

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