Saturday, December 12, 2009

Red Eye

If you haven't seen the movie 'Red Eye' yet, I highly suggest you go see it, immeadiatly. Not only is the movie action-packed and is filled with back to back moments of intense-anxiety, but it's beautifully crafted and well put together, with brilliant actors to support the movie's premise. Basically, it's about this girl, Lisa, who works as a manager at a hotel; she's coming home (to Miami) from her grandmother's funeral, and meets a charming man by the name of Jackson Rippner (playfully referred to as 'Jack the Ripper' - and believe me, he'll soon live up to that name). At first he's a charming man who does what he can to help Lisa - he helps her calm down an angry man, and offers to have a few drinks with her. Soon he receives a phonecall and they must part ways, but are strangely reunited on the plan when they coincidentally have seats next to each other. As the film goes on, we find out that Jackson is a terrorist, and needs Lisa's help to complete the assassination of a man (who is staying in the hotel he manages). He threatens her father's life into her complying for his request of changing the targeted man's room, and through a series of psychologically thrilling events, she finally complies. After a rough night of playing several violent games of 'cat and mouse', Lisa finally gains the upper hand when she craftily takes a pen from one of the fellow flyers, and stabs Jackson in the neck as everyone is unbuckling their seatplans. The chase scene that ensues is mind-blowing and incredible; they [Lisa and Jackson] run through the terminal, but Lisa has the advantage since she has handicapped Jackson, and has stolen his cellphone (his means of communication that would tell the assassin to kill her father if he doesn't comply). Well, she eventually escapes from the airport and heads to her house, where she runs over the assassin with her car. Not too long after she sees her father, Jackson shows up, as if from the dead. And well, the Hitchcock-esque 10 minute scene of intense suspense that follows... well... you'll have to see the end for yourself. I haven't been so scared in a movie since... a long time ago. This film is just beyond words. Cillian Murphy's performance was mind-blowing. He looks so sweet and innocent - not to mention handsome - with his round, wide blue eyes and charming smile, but my God, when he goes Jack the Ripper and turns into one volatile, evil murderer, I think I may have been scared out of my skin for life. He can pull off villainous so beautifully (also shown in Batman Begins as Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane - my favorite Batman villain of all time) and still make it completly believable. I think tonight I may have nightmares about him chasing me around my house, wielding a knife because he's ready to slice my head off. Oh, and I forgot to mention Rachel McAdams; oh my, that woman is beautiful. Her hair, I have to say, is absolutely gorgeous; she really looks like a life-size doll. But her acting is simply impeccable. She just did a spot-on job, and everything she did was completly realistic. I really want to know what it must've been like to be in her shoes for this role. And one last final mention; Jayma Mays (I believe that's how you spell her name) is as cute as a button, and does an excellent part in her role as well... (Though, I still see her as Charlie from Heroes.) She's another one I'd like to pick up and hug because she has that look of doe-eyed innocence that melts ones heart. Plus, her look of suprise when the top suite of the hotel room has exploded is priceless. But yes, overall, this movie, I would have to say, is one intense thriller that I would love to see over and over again.... Of course, with friends, because seeing it alone is just... frightening. Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams yet again blow my mind with their high quality of acting.

(This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie -- it takes place in the bathroom of the airplane, where Jackson threatens Lisa into making the phonecall.)

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